The following yacht measurement abbreviations are often used to describe various measurements on a sailboat: Rig Dimensions, Fore Sail Dimensions (including Spinnaker Dimensions) and Main Sail Dimensions. Technical definitions exist for most of these abbreviations and the various handicapping organizations have specific measuring standards, but the following is a list of simple descriptions with links to simple illustrations.
Other Lists: | ||
Sail/Yacht Racing | National Sailing Federations | Consolidated List of all abbreviations |
List of Measurement Abbreviations:
Code What does it mean
ALE "Spinnaker Leech":- (Asymmetrical) Measured from head to foot. Illustration
ALU "Spinnaker Luff ":- (Asymmetrical) Measured from head to foot. Illustration
AMG "Asymmetric Mid Width":- (Asymmetrical) Distance between the mid points of the luff and leech. Illustration
ASF "Asymmetric Foot Length":- (Asymmetrical) The shortest path on the surface of the sail connecting the tack and clew. Illustration
BAS "Mast Datum Point":- The vertical distance between the sheerlane at the mast and the top of the boom (or lower black band). Illustration
BO "Bow Overhang":- The horizontal distance from the point where the stem cuts the water to the forward limit of the hull length. Illustration
BWL "Beam at Waterline":- Width of the beam at Waterline.
DMT "Keel to Freeboard Height":- Vertical distance from the deepest point of keel (including any bulb) to the top point of freeboard at the same section. Illustration
DSPW "Total Weight":- Total weight of a boat in measurement trim.
DWL "Design Waterline":- The Designed length of the waterline.
E "Mainsail Foot":- Horizontal distance measured from aft face of mast at top of boom to boom band or maximum outhaul position. Illustration
EW "Empty Weight":- The empty weight of fully grigged vessel.
Ey "Mizzen Mainsail Foot":- Horizontal distance measured from aft face of mizzen mast at top of boom to boom band or maximum outhaul position. Illustration
FAM "Freeboard Aft Measurement":- The average height of freeboard measured at the forward freeboard station. More information ORC web site.
Alternate "Floating Aft Measurement". Illustration
FBI "Freeboard":- The vertical height of the hull topsides, adjacent to the mast, measured from the surface of the water to the sheer line. Illustration
FDM "Freeboard Depth":- the average of port and starboard freeboards measured vertically from the the water level to the top point at the section at SDM. Illustration
FFM "Freeboard Forward Measurement":- The average height of freeboard measured at the forward freeboard station. More information ORC web site.
Alternate "Floating Forward Measurement". Illustration
FHB "Flying headsail Headboard":- Top width of the sail. Illustration
FHFL "Flying headsail Foot Length". Illustration
FHHW "Flying headsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech Illustration
FHLU "Flying headsail Luff Length":- From tack to head Illustration
FHW "Flying headsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech Illustration
FL "Forestay Length".
FLP "Flying headsail Luff Perpendicular":- Shortest length from clew to luff Illustration
FLU "Flying headsail Luff Length":- From tack to head Illustration
FO "Forward Overhang":- The horizontal distance from the point where the hull meets the water to the forward limit of the hull length. Illustration
FQW "Headsal Quarter Width":- 1/4 way up the leech Illustration
FSA "Flying headsail Area".
FSFL "Flying headsail Foot Length". Illustration
FSHW "Flying headsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech Illustration
FTW "Flying headsail Three Quarter Width":- 3/4 of the way up the leech Illustration
FUW "Flying headsail Upper Width":- 7/8 of the way up the leech. Illustration
HFH "Foot Height":- The height of the foot (midway between tack and clew) above the deck.
HHB "Headsail Headboard":- Top width of the sail. Illustration
HHW "Headsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech Illustration
HLP "Headsail Luff Perpendicular":- Shortest length from clew to luff Illustration
HLU "Headsail Luff Length":- From tack to head Illustration
HQW "Headsal Quarter Width":- 1/4 way up the leech Illustration
HSA "Head Sail Area".
HTW "Headsail Three Quarter Width":- 3/4 of the way up the leech Illustration
HUW "Headsail Upper Width":- 7/8 of the way up the leech. Illustration
I "Height of Foretriangle":- Elevation of Forestay, measured down to Mast datum point (see BAS). Illustration
Is "Height of Inner Foretriangle":- Elevation of Forestay, measured down to Mast datum point (see BAS). Illustration
ISP "Elevation of Spinnaker Halyard":- Measured down to Mast datum point (see BAS). Illustration
J "Base of Foretriangle":- Horizontal distance measured from front face of mast at deck to position of headstay at sheer line. Illustration
Js "Base of Inner Foretriangle":- Horizontal distance measured from front face of mast at deck to position of inner headstay at sheer line. Illustration
KC "Keel Chord":- The horizontal distance from the leading edge of the keel to the trailing edge, measured at half the keel depth.
KD Keel Depth":- The vertical distance between the bottom of the hull at its lowest point and the bottom of the keel at its lowest point.
LH "Hull Length":- The length of the hull excluding the bowsprit and other rigging, stem and stern fittings, railings, rubbing strakes or any overhanging rudder and rudder hangings.
LLY "Staysail Luff Length":- Mizzen Staysail, The longest luff length of any mizzen staysail.
LOA "Length Overall":- Overall length of boat normally not including appendages. Illustration
LOD "Length of Deck":- Length from Bow point to the intersection of the deck and transom.
LP "Headsail Luff Perpendicular":- Shortest length from clew to luff Illustration
LPY "Staysail Luff Perpendicular":- Mizzen Staysail, The longest luff perpendicular of any mizzen staysail.
LWL "Length at Waterline":- Measured along the centreline of the boat from where the bow meets the water to where the stern meets the water. (Normally DWL). Illustration
MB "Maximum Beam":- The maximum width of the hull, measured horizontally with the boat upright and excluding rubbing strakes, toe rails or other fittings. Illustration
MHB "Main Head Board":- Width of the Main's Headboard. Illustration
MHW "Mainsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech. Illustration
MLB "Maximum Batten Length".
MQW "Mainsail Quarter Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech. Illustration
MTW "Mainsail Three quarter Width":- 3/4 of the way up the leech. Illustration
MUW "Mainsail Upper Width":- 7/8 of the way up the leech. Illustration
P "Mainsail Hoist":- Elevation of upper mast band or maximum main halyard position, measured down to lower mast band or top of boom. Illustration
PRD Propeller Diameter":- The diameter of the circle described by the blade tips.
PRN Propeller Blades":- The number of blades on the propeller.
Py "Mizzen Mainsail Hoist":- Elevation of upper mast band or maximum main halyard position, measured down to lower mast band or top of boom. Illustration
QCD "Quadrilateral main Clew Diagonal":- Measured from the thtroat to theclew. Illustration
QFL "Quadrilateral main Foot Length":- Measured from the Peak to the Clew Illustration
QHL "Quadrilateral main Head Length" Illustration
QLE "Quadrilateral main Leech Length":- Measured from the Peak to the Clew Illustration
QLM "Quadrilateral main Width":- Measured from the throat to the half leech point. Illustration
RC "Rudder Chord":- The horizontal distance from the leading edge of the rudder (and skeg, if any) to the trailing edge, measured at half the rudder depth.
RD "Rudder Depth":- For rudders that are usually wholly submerged, the vertical distance from the top of the rudder (and skeg, if any) to its lowest point. For rudders that are partly out of the water (eg transom-hung rudders), the vertical distance from the waterline to the lowest point of the rudder (and skeg, if any).
SA "Sail Area".
SAFP "Stem to Aft Freeboard Points":- Horizontal distance from the forward end of LOA to the AFT freeboard station. . More information ORC web site. Illustration
SDM "Stem to Maximum Draft":- Horizontal horizontal distance from the forward end of LOA to the maximum beam. Illustration
SF "Spinnaker Foot":- (Symmetrical)The shortest path on the surface of the sail connecting the tack and clew. Illustration
SFFP "Stem to Forward Freeboard Points":- Horizontal distance from the forward end of LOA to the forward freeboard station. . More information ORC web site. Illustration
SFL "Spinnaker Foot Length":- The shortest path on the surface of the sail connecting the tack and clew. Illustration
SHW "Spinnaker Half Width":- Measured by determining the mid points of the luff and leech and the width is the shortest path connecting those two points. Illustration
SL "Spinnaker Luff ":- (Symmetrical) Is measured along the edges of the sail from the head to the foot. Illustration
SLE "Spinnaker Leech Length". Illustration
SLU "Spinnaker Luff Length". Illustration
SMB "Stem to Maximum Beam":- Horizontal distance from the forward end of LOA to the maximum beam.
SMW "Spinnaker Maximum Width":- (Symmetrical) Equidistant from the head. For most spinnakers the maximum width will be near the center of the sail, but it may also be across the foot. Illustration
SO "Stern Overhang":- The horizontal distance from the point where the hull meets the water, ignoring any skeg, to the aft limit of the hull length.
SPA "Spinnaker Area"
SPL "Spinnaker Pole Length":- Illustration
STL "Spinnaker Tack Length":- Horizontal distance measured from front face of mast at deck, forward and horizontally to position of spinnaker tack attachment point. Depending on rating organisation can be the longer of the spinnaker tack point or a assymetric or symmetrical spinnaker. Illustration
T "Draught":- The maximum depth below the surface, including the keel. Illustration
TPS "Tack Point of Spinnaker":- Horizontal distance from the face of the mast to the point of attachment at deck level for deck tacked spinnakers or the extreme forward end of any bowsprit when fully extended for sprit tacked spinnakers. Illustration
TSO "Topside Overhang":- The horizontal distance from the point where the side of the hull meets the water, to a point vertically below the point of maximum beam.
UMS "UMS":- Universal Measurement System. A joint project between Various rating organisations and sailing authorities to reduce the complexity a yacht races under multiple rating rules.
WBV "Water Ballast Volume":- The maximum water ballast (in Litres) that can be located on on side.
Y "Stern Height":- The vertical height from the surface of the water to the aft-most point on the hull moulding. Illustration
Code | What does it mean |
ALE | "Spinnaker Leech":- (Asymmetrical) Measured from head to foot. Illustration |
ALU | "Spinnaker Luff ":- (Asymmetrical) Measured from head to foot. Illustration |
AMG | "Asymmetric Mid Width":- (Asymmetrical) Distance between the mid points of the luff and leech. Illustration |
ASF | "Asymmetric Foot Length":- (Asymmetrical) The shortest path on the surface of the sail connecting the tack and clew. Illustration |
BAS | "Mast Datum Point":- The vertical distance between the sheerlane at the mast and the top of the boom (or lower black band). Illustration |
BO | "Bow Overhang":- The horizontal distance from the point where the stem cuts the water to the forward limit of the hull length. Illustration |
BWL | "Beam at Waterline":- Width of the beam at Waterline. |
DMT | "Keel to Freeboard Height":- Vertical distance from the deepest point of keel (including any bulb) to the top point of freeboard at the same section. Illustration |
DSPW | "Total Weight":- Total weight of a boat in measurement trim. |
DWL | "Design Waterline":- The Designed length of the waterline. |
E | "Mainsail Foot":- Horizontal distance measured from aft face of mast at top of boom to boom band or maximum outhaul position. Illustration |
EW | "Empty Weight":- The empty weight of fully grigged vessel. |
Ey | "Mizzen Mainsail Foot":- Horizontal distance measured from aft face of mizzen mast at top of boom to boom band or maximum outhaul position. Illustration |
FAM | "Freeboard Aft Measurement":- The average height of freeboard measured at the forward freeboard station. More information ORC web site. Alternate "Floating Aft Measurement". Illustration |
FBI | "Freeboard":- The vertical height of the hull topsides, adjacent to the mast, measured from the surface of the water to the sheer line. Illustration |
FDM | "Freeboard Depth":- the average of port and starboard freeboards measured vertically from the the water level to the top point at the section at SDM. Illustration |
FFM | "Freeboard Forward Measurement":- The average height of freeboard measured at the forward freeboard station. More information ORC web site. Alternate "Floating Forward Measurement". Illustration |
FHB | "Flying headsail Headboard":- Top width of the sail. Illustration |
FHFL | "Flying headsail Foot Length". Illustration |
FHHW | "Flying headsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech Illustration |
FHLU | "Flying headsail Luff Length":- From tack to head Illustration |
FHW | "Flying headsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech Illustration |
FL | "Forestay Length". |
FLP | "Flying headsail Luff Perpendicular":- Shortest length from clew to luff Illustration |
FLU | "Flying headsail Luff Length":- From tack to head Illustration |
FO | "Forward Overhang":- The horizontal distance from the point where the hull meets the water to the forward limit of the hull length. Illustration |
FQW | "Headsal Quarter Width":- 1/4 way up the leech Illustration |
FSA | "Flying headsail Area". |
FSFL | "Flying headsail Foot Length". Illustration |
FSHW | "Flying headsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech Illustration |
FTW | "Flying headsail Three Quarter Width":- 3/4 of the way up the leech Illustration |
FUW | "Flying headsail Upper Width":- 7/8 of the way up the leech. Illustration |
HFH | "Foot Height":- The height of the foot (midway between tack and clew) above the deck. |
HHB | "Headsail Headboard":- Top width of the sail. Illustration |
HHW | "Headsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech Illustration |
HLP | "Headsail Luff Perpendicular":- Shortest length from clew to luff Illustration |
HLU | "Headsail Luff Length":- From tack to head Illustration |
HQW | "Headsal Quarter Width":- 1/4 way up the leech Illustration |
HSA | "Head Sail Area". |
HTW | "Headsail Three Quarter Width":- 3/4 of the way up the leech Illustration |
HUW | "Headsail Upper Width":- 7/8 of the way up the leech. Illustration |
I | "Height of Foretriangle":- Elevation of Forestay, measured down to Mast datum point (see BAS). Illustration |
Is | "Height of Inner Foretriangle":- Elevation of Forestay, measured down to Mast datum point (see BAS). Illustration |
ISP | "Elevation of Spinnaker Halyard":- Measured down to Mast datum point (see BAS). Illustration |
J | "Base of Foretriangle":- Horizontal distance measured from front face of mast at deck to position of headstay at sheer line. Illustration |
Js | "Base of Inner Foretriangle":- Horizontal distance measured from front face of mast at deck to position of inner headstay at sheer line. Illustration |
KC | "Keel Chord":- The horizontal distance from the leading edge of the keel to the trailing edge, measured at half the keel depth. |
KD | Keel Depth":- The vertical distance between the bottom of the hull at its lowest point and the bottom of the keel at its lowest point. |
LH | "Hull Length":- The length of the hull excluding the bowsprit and other rigging, stem and stern fittings, railings, rubbing strakes or any overhanging rudder and rudder hangings. |
LLY | "Staysail Luff Length":- Mizzen Staysail, The longest luff length of any mizzen staysail. |
LOA | "Length Overall":- Overall length of boat normally not including appendages. Illustration |
LOD | "Length of Deck":- Length from Bow point to the intersection of the deck and transom. |
LP | "Headsail Luff Perpendicular":- Shortest length from clew to luff Illustration |
LPY | "Staysail Luff Perpendicular":- Mizzen Staysail, The longest luff perpendicular of any mizzen staysail. |
LWL | "Length at Waterline":- Measured along the centreline of the boat from where the bow meets the water to where the stern meets the water. (Normally DWL). Illustration |
MB | "Maximum Beam":- The maximum width of the hull, measured horizontally with the boat upright and excluding rubbing strakes, toe rails or other fittings. Illustration |
MHB | "Main Head Board":- Width of the Main's Headboard. Illustration |
MHW | "Mainsail Half Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech. Illustration |
MLB | "Maximum Batten Length". |
MQW | "Mainsail Quarter Width":- 1/2 of the way up the leech. Illustration |
MTW | "Mainsail Three quarter Width":- 3/4 of the way up the leech. Illustration |
MUW | "Mainsail Upper Width":- 7/8 of the way up the leech. Illustration |
P | "Mainsail Hoist":- Elevation of upper mast band or maximum main halyard position, measured down to lower mast band or top of boom. Illustration |
PRD | Propeller Diameter":- The diameter of the circle described by the blade tips. |
PRN | Propeller Blades":- The number of blades on the propeller. |
Py | "Mizzen Mainsail Hoist":- Elevation of upper mast band or maximum main halyard position, measured down to lower mast band or top of boom. Illustration |
QCD | "Quadrilateral main Clew Diagonal":- Measured from the thtroat to theclew. Illustration |
QFL | "Quadrilateral main Foot Length":- Measured from the Peak to the Clew Illustration |
QHL | "Quadrilateral main Head Length" Illustration |
QLE | "Quadrilateral main Leech Length":- Measured from the Peak to the Clew Illustration |
QLM | "Quadrilateral main Width":- Measured from the throat to the half leech point. Illustration |
RC | "Rudder Chord":- The horizontal distance from the leading edge of the rudder (and skeg, if any) to the trailing edge, measured at half the rudder depth. |
RD | "Rudder Depth":- For rudders that are usually wholly submerged, the vertical distance from the top of the rudder (and skeg, if any) to its lowest point. For rudders that are partly out of the water (eg transom-hung rudders), the vertical distance from the waterline to the lowest point of the rudder (and skeg, if any). |
SA | "Sail Area". |
SAFP | "Stem to Aft Freeboard Points":- Horizontal distance from the forward end of LOA to the AFT freeboard station. . More information ORC web site. Illustration |
SDM | "Stem to Maximum Draft":- Horizontal horizontal distance from the forward end of LOA to the maximum beam. Illustration |
SF | "Spinnaker Foot":- (Symmetrical)The shortest path on the surface of the sail connecting the tack and clew. Illustration |
SFFP | "Stem to Forward Freeboard Points":- Horizontal distance from the forward end of LOA to the forward freeboard station. . More information ORC web site. Illustration |
SFL | "Spinnaker Foot Length":- The shortest path on the surface of the sail connecting the tack and clew. Illustration |
SHW | "Spinnaker Half Width":- Measured by determining the mid points of the luff and leech and the width is the shortest path connecting those two points. Illustration |
SL | "Spinnaker Luff ":- (Symmetrical) Is measured along the edges of the sail from the head to the foot. Illustration |
SLE | "Spinnaker Leech Length". Illustration |
SLU | "Spinnaker Luff Length". Illustration |
SMB | "Stem to Maximum Beam":- Horizontal distance from the forward end of LOA to the maximum beam. |
SMW | "Spinnaker Maximum Width":- (Symmetrical) Equidistant from the head. For most spinnakers the maximum width will be near the center of the sail, but it may also be across the foot. Illustration |
SO | "Stern Overhang":- The horizontal distance from the point where the hull meets the water, ignoring any skeg, to the aft limit of the hull length. |
SPA | "Spinnaker Area" |
SPL | "Spinnaker Pole Length":- Illustration |
STL | "Spinnaker Tack Length":- Horizontal distance measured from front face of mast at deck, forward and horizontally to position of spinnaker tack attachment point. Depending on rating organisation can be the longer of the spinnaker tack point or a assymetric or symmetrical spinnaker. Illustration |
T | "Draught":- The maximum depth below the surface, including the keel. Illustration |
TPS | "Tack Point of Spinnaker":- Horizontal distance from the face of the mast to the point of attachment at deck level for deck tacked spinnakers or the extreme forward end of any bowsprit when fully extended for sprit tacked spinnakers. Illustration |
TSO | "Topside Overhang":- The horizontal distance from the point where the side of the hull meets the water, to a point vertically below the point of maximum beam. |
UMS | "UMS":- Universal Measurement System. A joint project between Various rating organisations and sailing authorities to reduce the complexity a yacht races under multiple rating rules. |
WBV | "Water Ballast Volume":- The maximum water ballast (in Litres) that can be located on on side. |
Y | "Stern Height":- The vertical height from the surface of the water to the aft-most point on the hull moulding. Illustration |
The above list of Yacht Measurement abbreviations have simple descriptions and the linked illustrations are only a simple representation of the abbreviation and how that abbreviation relates to the subject component. Very specific specifications exist for most of these yacht measurements abbreviations, how they are measured, how datum points are determined and how these datum points are utilised, this information is not reflected in the above descriptions or the illustrations that they link to. Further information on rating measurements and yacht rig dimensions can be found at various rating organizations including:
Offshore Racing Congress (ORC) | Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) |
International Rating Congress (IRC) | Classic Rating Formula (CRF) |
Simple illustrations for these sail, rig and hull measurement abbreviations can be found:
Fore Sail Dimensions | Main Sail Dimensions | Rig Dimensions | Hull Dimensions |